First Name*
Have you delivered a baby vaginally? If yes, how many?*
Have you had a caesarean section? If yes, how many?*
Have you had a miscarriage? If so, how many?*
Have you had an ectopic pregnancy? If so, how many?*
Year of last pap smear?*
Normal/Abnormal? NormalAbnormalUnknown
Did you require treatment? YesNo
Year of last mammogram?* N/A
Have you had an abnormal mammogram? YesNo
Year of last bone density?* N/A
Have you had an abnormal bone density? YesNo
Operations, year and any complications: eg. Appendicectomy, gastroscopy, wisdom teeth
Have you ever had a problem with anaesthetic? YesNo
Including sedatives, aspirin, steroid, HRT, contraception, vitamins etc.:
Any allergies YesNo
Medication name:
Allergy type:
Reactions? eg rash, vomiting, anaphylactic reaction:
Do you have, or have you ever had, any of the following:
Heart Problems YesNo
High Blood Pressure YesNo
Stroke YesNo
Thyroid Problems YesNo
Migraines YesNo
Anxiety YesNo
Depression YesNo
Ulcers (gastric, duodenal) YesNo
Genital Herpes YesNo
Epilepsy/Fits YesNo
Asthma YesNo
Diabetes YesNo
Anaemia YesNo
Bleeding, bruising problems YesNo
Recurrent Candida (thrush) YesNo
Pelvic inflammatory disease YesNo
Hepatitis B, C, HIV YesNo
Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary embolus YesNo
Do you have any other medical conditions: YesNo
If yes, please specify:
Cigarettes YesNo
If yes, how many per day:
Recreational drugsYesNo
What type?
Please let any family members with a significant family history, including cancer. (Eg: mother’s sister – alive – 40 years old – breast, bowel or ovarian cancer)
I have read all the questions and the information I have given is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Patient signature*